I Guide Ambitious  & Conscious Leaders Back to Their Authenticity & Brilliance Using One Simple System.

 unlock A work & life you'll never ever want to escape from.


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I Guide Ambitious  & Conscious Leaders Back to Their Authenticity & Brilliance Using One Simple System.





For the strongambitious,

& independent leaders

For the strong, ambitious, 

& independent.

My clients achieve in months what took me years to figure out.


This is more than just discovering what you were naturally built to do for work, this is a chance for you to ignite your career or business, transform your relationships, your body & health using...

One Simple & Effective System.


This is for you if you want to...

  • Return home to yourself, align to your unique genius and gifts, experience working from pure joy and brilliance, so you can unlock and experience all the opportunities, freedom, right people and prosperity that is available uniquely for you in this lifetime. 
  • Elevate all your relationships so you can experience being adored, honoured and attract high frequency, talented and loving people into your personal life and work. 
  • Return to your natural youthful beauty and vitality. Your natural radiance and vitality beyond your physical body, when expressed, heals the body, and attracts euphoric experiences & people! 
You might have done a lot of mindset, meditation, therapy, personal development work in the past but you are still left wondering...


Why do I still feel like I am missing something?



Watch This Video

Here's the link for the Liberated Leader Free Course Portal ---> Click Here



How would it feel to be 

fully anchored  in Yourself 

& rock solid in who you are?


That no matter what happens in life... you will SMILE, TRUST and UNDERSTAND 'how' you are uniquely built, and guided towards your highest prosperity, health, and love.

How would it feel to be 

Fully Anchored In Yourself 

& rock solid in who you are.


That no matter what happens in life... you will SMILE, TRUST and UNDERSTAND 'how' you are uniquely built, and guided towards your highest prosperity, health, and love.

When our work & life is misaligned, we may perhaps struggle with...

  • Enjoying the prosperity and the success you are building.
  • Working from your zone of genius, while carving out time for pleasure & adventures.
  • Experiencing deep love and connection in your relationships (personal & professional).
  • Your body may present physical disease or symptoms that you don't understand what they are about. 


When your work & life is misaligned, you may perhaps struggle with...

  • Enjoying the prosperity and the success you are building.
  • Working from your zone of genius, while carving out time for pleasure & adventures. 
  • Experiencing deep love and connection in your relationships (personal & professional).
  • Your body may present physical disease or symptoms that you don't understand what they are about. 


Nothing is wrong 

with you!

You are not lost. You don't need to change and work harder. You and/or your body is not broken or doing things wrong!


The only thing that is wrong is how we are taught to SEE ourselves and work.

Let me explain...

Sure somebody can stand up and say  

be yourself 



But you have to know who that 'Self' is. 🤔 

Let me explain... For example, in nature, a lion is gifted with a strong, compact body, and powerful forelegs, teeth and jaws for a reason. To catch its prey.  Now lions have not been gifted with stamina and the ability to swim. 

If the lion spent its entire life focused on 'improving itself' by learning to swim and improving its stamina... it would starve to death. 

Like nature, each human being is uniquely built a certain way for a reason

And when we humans are too focused on "improving" ourselves instead of expressing the amazing gifts we have been blessed with... we go hungry

Hungry for deep love, joy, adventure, health, fulfillment, prosperity, soul-clients, allies, connection and the list goes on. 🤯 

This hunger is 'The Void' found in most humans. And no amount of achievements, therapy or medication will ever fill that Void.

What's The Cure? Return to your Core Center. You feel a Void... because your mind, body and soul are not aligned & working together in harmony with the laws of Nature.

I teach this in my FREE COURSE Portal. Join Now. 

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Like the lion, you have already been gifted everything you need to live your most  

Brilliant  Life.

Ready to drop your focus on "improving yourself" and instead let's focus on what magic you were uniquely built for and align to it?

This heals everything!

Like the lion, you have already been gifted everything you need to live your most  

Brilliant  Life.


Ready to drop your focus on "improving yourself" and instead let's focus on what magic you were uniquely built for?

Money does not  come 'from' people. Money 

moves through 


When you give more of your innate natural power to the world, you will receive more prosperity & opportunities from the world. 

So many people make money their primary driver. They hire money coaches and/or business consultants to help them with earning more. Or they look for the job or strategy that will bring them the most money. 

It's all backwards!




If you want to be joyfully prosperous, discovering the depths of your Zone of Genius should be your primary driver. Learn to align your work and business to the natural gifted energetic DNA you were born with FIRST. You were born to share something extraordinary that no one has ever seen... yet!  Align with that and you will enjoy the Success + Joy + Prosperity + Health you seek.

Once you return home to yourself and align to your True Brilliance & Calling, more power will move through you, causing more power to move through any organization that you are associated with. Which means more money will flow back to you. That's how it works!

Are you ready to choose YOU over your fearful attachments to money?

When Times Are Tough,

Your Foundation Is Solid When

It Is Your Calling, Not Money. 


Working with thousands of entrepreneurs for the last 25 years, I have seen it over and over again.

During tough times, when the foundation of their business & life was based on, and driven by money, their business eventually took a nosedive or shut down or they experienced major health or relationship issues.


When their foundation was based on, and aligned to their Core Center & Calling, they were SOLID and so was their life beyond the business.


When we are not attached to our Core Center as our security. It is human nature to attach to money or people as security. And this is what destroys our health, relationships, and businesses.



Natalie, I’m so ready! →

Did you know that every human  being is genetically predisposed to work, to even crave work? As children, it was easy to wake-up with passion, play and we were highly creative and innovative in our own unique way... until we were forced to stop playing around and be serious and learn to 'fit in'. Fit in a society that 95% is living misaligned too! 🤦‍♀️

A lost, forgotten, gifted, powerful and magnetic part of you is now ready to come home and lead.

Imagine having the support, a safe place, and the structure and intelligence you need to align to your brilliance, heal your body and relationships and transform your work/business simultaneously...

Using ONE System!

Natalie, I am ready. Let's chat! →

Ready to 


to your Core Center & return home to yourself?

Finally a simple system that permits you to discover what your natural energy is (your true self) and aligning your career/business and life to it, in a way that has you living joyfully 'with' your grain, instead of against it.

My clients achieve in months what took me many years to figure out.

This is more than simply connecting with other powerful leaders, this is a chance for you to ignite your career or business, transform your relationships, and your body & health using ONE SIMPLE SYSTEM.

This one system includes gene keys, human design, energetics. Plus my dozens of extensive mindset, healing masters, nutritional science & self-actualization specialization, and + 20 years of extensive business consulting experience. I've combined it all in a simple system so you don't need to spend a lifetime + 9 years of trial and errors + spend $500,000 like I did trying to figure this out.


The System:

  • The Gene Keys - Your Map to discovering who you are here to "BE". (10% of program)
  • Human Design - How you "DO" life. (10% of program)
  • Laws of Nature & Fully Trusting The School Of Life + a fully guided and integrated journey back home to your Core Center 'True Self'  (80% of program).
Learn More About Working With Natalie →
Choose your authenticity

over your attachments!


Nature... is always always placing challenges in front of you so that you learn to let go of your attachments and return to your powerful Core Center where you will unlock all the love, healing, opportunities, deep love, prosperity, joy that is BEYOND your mind's understanding.

Ready to 


to your core center & return home to yourself?

Finally a simple system that permits you to discover what your natural energy is (your true self) and aligning your career/business and life to it, in a way that has you living joyfully 'with' your grain, instead of against it.

My clients achieve in months what took me many years to figure out.

This is more than simply connecting with other powerful leaders, this is a chance for you to ignite your career or business, transform your relationships, and your body & health using ONE SIMPLE SYSTEM.

This one system includes gene keys, human design, energetics. Plus my dozens of extensive mindset, healing masters, self-actualization specialization, + 20 years of extensive business consulting experience. I've combined it all in a simple system so you don't need to spend a lifetime + 9 years of trial and errors + spend $500,000 like I did trying to figure this out.


The System:

  • Laws of Nature & Fully Trusting The School Of Life + a fully guided and integrated journey back home to your Core Center 'True Self'  (100% - 80% of program).
  • The Gene Keys - Your Map to discovering who you are here to "BE".
  • Human Design - How you "DO" life.
  • Your Hologenetic Profile - Your Compass
Learn More About Working With Natalie →

Did you know that every human  being is genetically predisposed to work, to even crave work? As children, it was easy to wake-up with passion, play and we were highly creative and innovative in our own unique way... until we were forced to stop playing around and be serious and learn to 'fit in'. Fit in a society that 95% is living misaligned too! 🤦‍♀️

A lost, forgotten, gifted, powerful and magnetic part of you is now ready to come home and lead.

Imagine having the support, a safe place, and the structure and intelligence you need to align to your brilliance and transform your work/business & life simultaneously...

Using ONE System!

Natalie, I am ready. Let's chat! →
Why Am I  Here?


Who Am  I?


These questions are as old as the mountains.

What if I told you that you were born on a specific day, at a specific time and in a specific place for a reason.

What if I told you that there's a contemporary adaptation of the I Ching, and other ancient wisdoms that would provide you with a structure that would help your logical mind understand what is locked up in your energetic DNA and why you are here and who you really are.

But know, with or without systems, you are being guided back home to yourself right now!!


Without the systems, 

Nature is guiding you

  back to yourself.


Problem is we have challenges with our health, business, career, love and so on.  And we don't understand it, so we stay stuck in it, blocking ourselves further from ourselves.

Natalie is a Nature Whisperer.

She OBEYS and fully EMBODIES the laws of Nature beyond any SYSTEM! No matter your challenge... Natalie, with Nature behind her, has your back and you will RISE 'if' you choose YOUR AUTHENTICITY over your attachments!

What if I told you that you were born on a specific day, at a specific time and in a specific place for a reason.

What if I told you that there's a contemporary adaptation of the I Ching, and other ancient wisdoms that would provide you with a structure that would help your logical mind understand what is locked up in your energetic DNA and why you are here and who you really are.

But know, with or without systems, you are being guided right now!!

With or without systems, 

Nature is guiding you

 back to yourself.

Problem is we have challenges, health, business, love and so on, and we don't understand them, so we stay stuck in them, blocking ourselves further from ourselves.

Natalie is a Nature Whisperer.

She OBEYS and fully EMBODIES the laws of Nature beyond any SYSTEM! No matter your challenge... Natalie, with Nature behind her, has your back and you will RISE 'if' you choose YOU over your attachments!

As you go deeper... the living wisdom within you begins to awaken at a new level, leading to unexpected and beautiful changes and new opportunities will open up before you.

~Richard Rudd, Founder of Gene Keys

Is Nature trying to get your attention?

Every human being is being pulled back to their Core Center which will open them up to their Purpose &  Genius in life.

We either work with and trust Nature and allow the challenge to rise us and unlock a life our heart's have been longing for.


We fight it, control it, manipulate it, repress it, hide it, interrupt it... all because we refuse to surrender and accept what has been placed in front of us.

When a person is ready to look at their SHIT... like Natalie did... you begin to see that Nature had your back all along.

Is Nature trying to get your attention?


Every human being is being pulled back to their Core Center which will open them up to their Purpose &  Genius in life.

We either work with and trust Nature and allow the challenge to rise us and unlock a life our heart's have been longing for.


We fight it, control it, manipulate it, repress it, hide it, interrupt it... all because we refuse to surrender and accept what has been placed in front of us.

When a person is ready to look at their SHIT... like Natalie did... you begin to see that Nature had your back all along.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Natalie.

Like you, I have many gifts.

I am seen as ... a Healer, DNA Gift/Genius Activator,  Channeller & Translator of Energetics, Paradigm Shifter, Thought Leader, Void Mystic, Spiritual Trailblazer and so much more...

How I see myself?

Ha Ha ... It's simple, I am a Nature Whisperer. 

I know how to OBEY Nature to unlock a life that is beyond magical!

I first stumbled across this when I was called to heal some of my own deepest relationship wounds that I inherited from my ancestors & society when it comes to love, work, money, and my body. It was quite the journey for me. But I knew... I could feel it... I was being guided towards something that my mind did not understand.

I've had the honour of working with hundreds of women in the last 5 years, to help them achieve in months what took me a crazy amount of years to figure out and move through.

Choose your authenticity over your attachments, and watch the power of Nature support you in the most magical way.

More About Natalie →

When you are ready for this journey, it will be the simplest and most fun thing you'll have ever done.

Love, living against your own grain, like 95% of the population, will always be the hardest work you ever do in life!

Love, it gets to be GOOD for you now! It gets to be EASIER, so you can spend your energy creating magic in your life, not spend it trying to get out of these loop of dooms.

You've done a lot of heavy lifting & pushing but it wasn't all for nothing. That's the strength that will make this journey easier for you.

You are on this planet for a reason. Use your strength to return to your Core Center, and watch your life transform in the most magical way.

Oh love,
we are all far more than what we've been told we are.

Every day Nature is showing you who you really are and what gifted path is YOURS to take. But your mind gets in the way.


Love, we are NOT our minds but we've been conditioned to follow the loud voices and stories in our minds. That's why so many of us are stuck living mediocre lives compared to what is available to us. We can feel there's more. And deeply hidden within us... we are unconsciously looking/wishing to be "saved" from our challenges.

But your higher self keeps whispering to you... 'psss, only I can give you everything you deeply want and more! Please listen to me, your authenticity, not your mind!'

Oh love,
we are all far more than what we've been told we are.

Every day your higher self is showing you who you really are and what gifted path is YOURS to take. But your mind gets in the way.


Love, we are NOT our minds but we've been conditioned to follow the loud voices and stories in our minds. That's why so many of us are stuck living mediocre lives compared to what is available to us. We can feel there's more. And deeply hidden within us... we are unconsciously looking/wishing to be "saved" from our own Void. And your higher self is like... 'psss, only I can give you everything you deeply want and more! Please listen to me not your mind!'

So many get caught up with looking for the magic pill, or the right Dr, the fantasy relationship or that right business opportunity...


And that's because the grand majority have been conditioned to believe that only someone or something outside of themselves can help them, or save them, or offer security. It's the greatest thing disconnecting people from their greater life. 

The truth is, only You and Nature can heal you & guide you back to our core stability and become free & rock solid, joyous, magnetic, prosperous, and deeply loved. 

Are you ready 

to open yourself up to see and listen beyond the loud chatter of your mind so that you may re-connect to your inner teacher/your higher self/your soul and unlock all the love, freedom, joy, fun, prosperity, health that is available for you in this lifetime!

Natalie's world is beyond the personal development, mindset, healing, therapy and the manifestation work out there because who you are here to be, is wayyyy beyond that. Who you are here to BE has never been done before!

Not everyone is ready to drop the never ending chase and forcing to 'get more' and enter this much simpler, more practical, and higher level world of soul expansion, gift activation, inner peace and euphoria.

But you are not everyone!

95% of the population unconsciously lives their life against their own grain. That's why people's bodies are not at ease, relationships are draining, and there's no room in their lives to receive new energies they want (Energies such as money, opportunities, people, fun, joy and much more.)

When you choose your authenticity over your attachments, it gets simpler!

Love, all that heavy lifting and pushing got you here... it was all so worth it!

It gets to be easier for you now, it gets to be fun for you now.

Let’s journey together →
When you choose to align to that natural flow you were born with, it gets easier!

Love, all that heavy lifting and pushing got you here... it was all so worth it!

This gets to be fun for you now.

Let’s journey together →