About Natalie Bouchard


There was a time when Natalie woke up every day and went to her 9-5+, Monday to Friday career as a Director of Business Development. In this 20 year cycle, she worked for major corporations (GE, City Capital, Transamerica, Laurentian Bank, Panasonic and more). She guided thousands of entrepreneurs, sat in hundreds of boardrooms, reviewed 20-30,000 financial statements across North America, and witnessed their personal/business struggles. 

She was always a loveable person, but at the time, she could barely meet her sales quota.

Most mornings, she felt lots of heaviness that made it hard for her to get out of bed.

Her inner whisper would remind her that she is more than the life she had created.

But she would keep ignoring it. She unconsciously feared life, feared changes, and she did not trust her own inner voice and decisions. Seeing and helping so many entrepreneurs with their financial struggles had her counting her blessings. She would think... 'At least I am safe and I can count on my paycheque every other week.'

So... for decades, she kept collecting a pay cheque and she found joy in looking forward to her weekends and vacations.

On weekends, she binge-ate a lot in front of the TV.

Monday was the worst day of the week.

She not only felt the heaviness of her misaligned work but she also felt like crap from overeating, judging her body, and feeling so alone in her marriage and friendships.

About Natalie Bouchard


There was a time when Natalie woke up every day and went to her 9-5+, Monday to Friday career as a Director of Business Development. In this 20 year cycle, she worked for major corporations (GE, City Capital, Transamerica, Laurentian Bank, Panasonic and more). She guided thousands of entrepreneurs, sat in hundreds of boardrooms, reviewed 20-30,000 financial statements across North America, and witnessed their personal/business struggles. 

She was always a loveable person, but at the time, she could barely meet her sales quota.

Most mornings, she felt lots of heaviness that made it hard for her to get out of bed.

Her inner whisper would remind her that she is more than the life she had created.

But she would keep ignoring it. She unconsciously feared life, feared changes, and she did not trust her own inner voice and decisions. Seeing and helping so many entrepreneurs with their financial struggles had her counting her blessings. She would think... 'At least I am safe and I can count on my paycheque every other week.'

So... for decades, she kept collecting a pay cheque and she found joy in looking forward to her weekends and vacations.

On weekends, she binge-ate a lot in front of the TV.

Monday was the worst day of the week.

She not only felt the heaviness of her misaligned work but she also felt like crap from overeating, judging her body, and feeling so alone in her marriage and friendships.

On the surface, Natalie had what society called success -- Beauty. The 20-year- marriage. Beautiful daughters. A successful 6-figure career. And a great home.

But within her. She felt something was missing.

She felt like this great life she had cultivated did not make sense to her anymore.


Natalie had a breakdown which led her towards 9 years of the deepest dives in energetics, quantum physics, ancient studies, 6 healing masters, Gene Keys, Human Design, nutritional science, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Somatic Therapy and so much more.

Natalie knows now... she didn't need all that! All she ever needed was to learn Nature's Order and how to trust it.


If you want to learn Nature's System & Simple Formula... Join our free portal of courses... Natalie teaches it for FREE. 

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Natalie doesn’t just believe... SHE KNOWS, that the closer you return to your Core Center, your Authenticity, the more you unlock the prosperity, the love, the vitality, the freedom, the joy that is available for you.

Even today, when Natalie begins to move away from her Core Center, the more challenging life becomes for her.

Natalie went from barely meeting quotas to achieving 250% over quota... in less time & effort.

She went from being overweight with health issues to 3rd place on world stage as a professional fitness athlete and it all felt so easy & fun for her.

Natalie's relationships became stronger, deeper, and lighter and she now has friends all over the world. 

And most importantly... Today, Natalie is completely aligned to the work she was born to do.

She left the Corporate world in 2019 and since then her Work & Life Alignment Methodology has created a major impact in countless lives globally. 

Her many so called “past mistakes” are now guiding her clients to achieve in months, what took Natalie 9 years to figure out.

Finally, after 7 years of working with some of the best spiritual, mindset and healing teachers around the world... Natalie discovered Gene Keys. Which is based off of the Chinese I Ching dating 300 BC. It offers a means of unlocking your untapped potential by awakening the sleeping genius locked in our DNA.

At first, Natalie was not interested! lol. She felt she knew enough systems and healing modalities... and was not interested. But it kept following her and she ended up winning a scholarship to work with a Gene Key Master. It was clear that the Universe wanted her to go in that direction.

This is when she began to unlock far more of her untapped potential that was hiding in her DNA by discovering her specific calling, who she is here for, and how she's naturally built for prosperity. It also showed her how to create harmony between her unique inner shadows and gifts. This experience led her towards transforming her branding and business to match the natural energy she was born with. It was a game changer! 

Natalie feared soul-alignment because of what she could potentially lose in her life. Natalie now earns in a month what she used to earn in a year.  She is off a week every month. She has friends all over the world, she attracts soul friends everywhere she goes, she is the mom and lover she always wanted to be and her authenticity and brilliance is creating a big impact in this world. 

Your most unique and euphoric life is waiting for you. 
But you must first choose YOUR AUTHENTICITY over your attachments.

Finally, after 7 years of working with some of the best spiritual, mindset and healing teachers around the world... Natalie discovered Gene Keys. Which is based off of the Chinese I Ching dating 300 BC. It offers a means of unlocking your untapped potential by awakening the sleeping genius locked in our DNA.

At first, Natalie was not interested! lol. She felt she knew enough systems and healing modalities... and was not interested. But it kept following her and she ended up winning a scholarship to work with a Gene Key Master. It was clear that the Universe wanted her to go in that direction.

This is when she began to unlock far more of her untapped potential that was hiding in her DNA by discovering her specific calling, who she is here for, and how she's naturally built for prosperity. It also showed her how to create harmony between her unique inner shadows and gifts. This experience led her towards transforming her branding and business to match the natural energy she was born with. It was a game changer! 

Natalie feared soul-alignment because of what she could potentially lose in her life. Natalie now earns in a month what she used to earn in a year.  She is off a week every month. She has friends all over the world, she attracts soul friends everywhere she goes, she is the mom and lover she always wanted to be and her authenticity and brilliance is creating a big impact in this world. 

Your most unique and euphoric life is waiting for you. 


But you must first choose YOUR AUTHENTICITY over your attachments.

I see so many people gather information like I did, and it does not change lives.


The integration work that leads you back to your Core Center (mind, body & soul alignment), reconnects you with Nature and activates your brilliance at a deep cellular level, is the power that we are ALL seeking. But we have been deeply conditioned to gather more information in our minds. We have become a society that is addicted to 'Ah ha moments'.  'Ah ha moments' do NOT change lives!

People are stuck in a loop of doom of looking outside of themselves for answers. It's all a trap!

Look around, we live in an era where all the information you will ever need is available to you for FREE. Yet, people are feeling more disconnected, stressed, unhealthy, anxious, fearful, unfulfilled than ever.

P.S. Who you are here to be is NOT found in a program/master, book, google or degree. What you are here to express has never been done... yet! The world is waiting for you to get out of your own way and express what is already in you to give. 

Also, you will not connect to your brilliance once you get "there"... wherever your next "THERE" is. That's not how this works. That's your mind keeping you stuck in a loop of doom.

Love, it gets to be easy for you now. It gets to be good.

Are you ready to drop the "pushing, forcing, heavy lifting"? Are you ready for something different? Something more freeing, fulfilling, loving, and euphoric that will rise your feminine essence.

Allow me to show you a much quicker, simpler, modern and practical way.

I would love to chat! → apply now

I love 

trailblazing the unknown

, energetic, and spiritual realms...

So you don't have to spend a lifetime trying to figure out how the "unknown" works. Life is not complicated. The way this world was created FOR US, is so brilliant! There's a perfect order that most of us have not had the privilege to learn. And when we follow this order, life is magical. When we go against it, life is frustrating AF!

I LOVE taking the most complicated psychological, spiritual, energetics and quantum science methods out there and ground them in a way that you can use in your life in the most custom, simplest, modern, freeing and practical way.

I love 

trailblazing the unknown

, energetic, and spiritual realms...

So you don't have to spend a lifetime trying to figure out how the "unknown" works. Life is not complicated. The way this world was created FOR US, is so brilliant! There's a perfect order that most of us have not had the privilege to learn. And when we follow this order, life is magical. When we go against it, life is frustrating AF!

I LOVE taking the most complicated psychological, spiritual, energetics and quantum science methods out there and ground them in a way that you can use in your life in the most custom, simplest, modern, freeing and practical way.


I am not one to claim client results.

What I do claim is this beautiful co-creation that naturally happens when we live in our brilliance and attract our aligned clients. Everyone wins.


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