Ready to embark on a 

life-changing, next-level 

Work & Life Alignment journey and witness your own 

unique magic & brilliance.

Ready to embark on a 

life-changing, next-level 

Work & Life Alignment journey and witness your own 

unique magic & brilliance.
Why is work & life alignment important?

Here's a simple example. Like a poor tire alignment on your car-- the more misaligned the tires are, the more uncomfortable, and unresponsive the ride will be, and this creates a lot of wear on your tires too.

It's the same thing when it comes to your work and life.

What we consider a misaligned life is when you are living AWAY from your core center. You are living away from the natural energy you were born with. The more we live misaligned with our true self, the more uncomfortable, unresponsive & frustrating the ride of life will be for us. And this creates a lot of wear & stress on our bodies too! 

When you are living aligned with your truest self, when you are grounded in your core center, your ride in life gives you pleasure, comfort, trust, ease, prosperity and more.
It's all very simple! Our minds complicate it.

About Our Programs


Success & Joy

Reg $444,  44.00 USD

Please feel this Truth... Work was suppose to be FUN & a FCK YES adventure for us. Not this soul sucking thing society has normalized where we need to force, push and 'escape from' a few times a year. Over the 12 self-study classes, with Q&A support, you will begin to discover your zone of genius and how YOU are uniquely built to prosper in this world. 


- OPTION #1-

Our Women's Master group Course

Work & Life Alignment 1 Year Program

Small Group Mastermind + 1 on 1 + Optional 5 Day Women's Retreat in Sedona

NOTE: We recommend 1 year. However, all programs remain OPEN month to month. You are not locked into any program. Our clients are here and stay because they see results! They are not here because they are forced to be here due to a contract. #freedomheals

This is an Exclusive, High Touch program for strong, independent women...

that are ready to rise in their feminine, experience deep love & connection, experience success from joy & brilliance, love & heal their body, and enjoy more ease, flow & freedom in their life.

Ready to return to your Core Center and have all that your heart desires most?

There is nothing like this program out there! You'll need a telescope to look back on your life in such a magical way!

Option #1 With Women's Retreat


Option #2 Without Women's Retreat




- 2nd Option - 


For High Achieving Men, Women, Corporations & Events.

1:1 Services.

Custom Packages Available.



This is the highest timeline shifting opportunity for your business, career, and life.

Please apply, as places are greatly limited and are available by invitation only.


Learn More About 1:1 Program

- Option 2 -


Prefer the 1:1 experience?

Custom Packages Available.


For High Achieving Men, Women, Corporations & Events.


This is the highest timeline shifting opportunity for your business, career, and life.

Please connect with Natalie as 1:1 places are greatly limited and are available by invitation only.


Learn More About 1:1 Programs

This is the 

highest timeline shifting opportunity 

for your business, career and life.

This 1 on 1 experience is perfect for you...

  • If you are ready to embrace your entire self and curate your life and business to elevate your potential and get out of your way.
  • Your goals are inevitably conquerable, so success is boring to you now and you are left wondering, "Is this all there is?"

We work with a select handful of clients in intimate group containers and/or 1:1.

We attract people that are all in and desire to tap into Nature's Wisdom, discover their zone of genius, live a life and work aligned to their authenticity, using one simple, modern, practical system that resonates with people from all walks of life.



What will you 


by working with us?

What will you 


by working with us?

I want to be very straight and honest with you.

This is not for everyone.

Any coach, advisor, therapist, teacher that promises you specific 'surface' results such as wealth, body and or health transformation, specific love life or business results and so on... are promising something they have NO CONTROL OVER.

That's why most walk away disappointed from most programs out there.

Here's my promise to you.


Once you are grounded in your core center, which means, you have returned to your natural zone of brilliance "back home to yourself"... YOUR HEART WILL OPEN UP AND ATTRACT & UNLOCK all the abundance, joy, love, prosperity, opportunities and more that is available for you in this lifetime.

I cannot promise you what your heart will attract. No one can.

What I can promise... is that you will LOVE what you unlock!

Did you know that your mind does not want you to connect to your own heart? It fears it.

Your mind will do everything it can to block you from your heart.


Because, once you connect to your heart, your mind cannot control you anymore. Once you connect to your heart, you will live beyond your mind and beyond all your current challenges. You'll experience the gift of profound clarity.

Deep down, every human being on this planet desires to reconnect to their heart and soul and the only thing blocking them from achieving this high level of happiness, freedom and brilliance... is their own mind.



we all want 

is to attract our deepest heart desires.

Sure, your mind has you thinking right now, that once you "get there" wherever "there" is for you... you will be happier. 


👉  Once you get the health or the body... life will be better. 

👉 Once you get the success & money... life will be better. 

👉 Once you have love and the right relationships... life will be better.  


But you get there, and life doesn't get better. So your mind tricks you again and has you focused on another "there".

Are you tired of this yet?

All your mind is doing is distracting you further away from your heart.

The mind has you focused on the never ending chase for that next shiny thing to avoid you from connecting to your heart and returning home to your Core Center.

Can you see... it's not about your body, or your work, or your goals or your relationships?




Are you ready to choose your heart's authenticity over your mind's attachments and dead end chase for happiness?



we will stand behind... 

Is to 


you towards:

  • Returning home to yourself. Become rock solid and grounded in your core stability which will have you trusting yourself, nature & life, and how to transmute all shit into gold.
  • Reconnecting to your intuition, inner gps system, learning how you are uniquely built to make decisions and how to do life with your grain instead of against it.
  • Discovering your genius codes and aligning your work, business and life to your zone of brilliance and experience ease, flow and play. 
  • Learning how to experience both, Success & Joy, without compromising either one.
  • Awakening the divine feminine & masculine within your cellular body to deepen your connections, to attract your soul people, and aligned opportunities and experience deeper love.
  • Returning to your Core Center permits more 'light' to enter your body. Light heals your body. Most humans 'constrict light' from entering their bodies by choosing things that suck the life 'light' out of them. 🤯 Of course once you open up your body you will have you feeling magnetic, fabulous, radiant and fall in love with your body once you understand how truly magical your body is.
  • Fall in love with all of your shadows. Yes, that's right!  You will no longer live with any shame, regret, guilt, self-hate nor blame. You will understand that at the core of all your shadows... you will find your gifts & genius. This experience will fully liberate you and open you up to living your life from a place of TOTALITY! 
From there, YOU WILL 
unlock your heart's true desires 
and experience the feelings of...

Euphoria * Deep Love & Connection * Joy & Innovation * Vitality & Magnetism * Prosperity & Pleasure * Freedom



we will stand behind... 

Is to 


you towards:

  • Returning home to the natural energy you were born with.
  • Reconnecting to your intuition, inner gps system, learning how you are uniquely built to make decisions and how to do life with your grain instead of against it.
  • Discovering your genius codes and aligning your work, business and life to your zone of brilliance.
  • Learning how to experience both, Success & Joy, without compromising either one.
  • Awakening the divine feminine & masculine within your cellular body to deepen your connections, to attract your soul people, and aligned opportunities, as well as feel magnetic and fabulous in your body and love life. (Part of our Master Course or 1:1 Experience)
From there, YOU WILL 
unlock your heart's true desires 
and experience the feelings of...

Euphoria * Deep Love & Connection * Joy & Innovation * Vitality & Magnetism * Prosperity & Pleasure * Freedom

  • Discovering your genius codes and aligning your work, business and life to your zone of brilliance.
  • Learning how to experience both, Success & Joy, without compromising either one.
  • Awakening the divine feminine & masculine within your cellular body to deepen your connections, to attract your soul people, and aligned opportunities, as well as feel magnetic and fabulous in your body and love life. (Part of our Master Course or 1:1 Experience)
From there, YOU WILL 
unlock your heart's true desires 
and experience the feelings of...

Euphoria * Deep Love & Connection * Joy & Innovation * Vitality & Magnetism * Prosperity & Pleasure * Freedom

Once you feel prosperous, free & joy about your life & work...

OF COURSE, as a by-product of following their calling, my clients have manifested dream homes, dream lifestyles, soul-mates, soul clients, deeper love and connection in all their relationships, body & chronic health transformations, dream jobs, big business opportunities and collaborations, more income working less hours, and the list goes on.


So there you have it.

In the past 12 months, that's why my clients achieve 100% Success Rate!

They said YES to placing their heart & soul in the driver seat and replaced all their fears with deep cellular understanding.

They gently said NO to their mind and no to the non-stop chasing and getting to feel safe.

That's why they experience TRUE FREEDOM, JOY & PROSPERITY in their life!

Are you ready to say YES to your heart, and align your work and life to the natural energy you are born with?

APPLY To Expand Beyond Success

You are not 



You can choose to do like most people and do nothing and allow things to stay as they are, yet live the rest of your life with the potential for regret and a gnawing voice that tells you there is MORE for you.


Keep doing what most are doing and go harder, and hustle more.

But you are not like most people!

Here's a 3rd option. To accept the invitation to living your most brilliant & joyful work and life! It's an opportunity to embody your truest, most powerful Self.

Learning to listen and follow your Heart & Soul is the only way to 
unlock success 
beyond your beliefs and what you think is possible.

You are not 



You can choose to do like most people and do nothing and allow things to stay as they are, yet live the rest of your life with the potential for regret and a gnawing voice that tells you there is MORE for you.


Keep doing what most are doing and go harder, and hustle more.

But you are not like most people!

Here's a 3rd option. To accept the invitation to living your most brilliant & joyful work and life! It's an opportunity to embody your truest, most powerful Self.

Learning to listen and follow your Heart & Soul is the only way to 
unlock success 
beyond your beliefs and what you think is possible.
I am not one to claim client results.

What I do claim is this beautiful co-creation that naturally happens when we live in our brilliance and attract our aligned clients. Everyone wins.


We work with a select handful of clients in intimate group containers and/or 1:1.

We attract people that are all in and desire to tap into Nature's Wisdom, discover their zone of genius, live a life and work aligned to their authenticity, using one simple, modern, practical system that resonates with people from all walks of life.


APPLY To Expand Beyond Success→