 Living & Working from Your Joy, Your Brilliance, Your Radiance and Pleasure.

Starts Here!


Natalie Bouchard

CEO, Founder of Work & Life Alignment

Welcome, Living & Working from your Joy, your Brilliance, your Radiance and Pleasure.

Starts Here!


Natalie Bouchard

Work & Life Alignment Advisor

**Get Free Access**

To Our Free Liberated Leader Course Program

People are saying they got more out of this free program than the last several programs they paid for. Enjoy!  

Join Our Liberated Leader Free Course Portal!

Ready to stop the chasing, choose your authenticity & live from your unique brilliance and magic?

No matter the challenge...

No matter what is happening in your life right now, whether you have plateau'd, or you are looking for more meaning, or you are experiencing challenges in your business, work, health, love life and other relationships.

No matter how small or how big your challenge is right now... this FREE portal will bring you GREAT GREAT CLARITY and begin guiding you towards your own Liberation.



A Leader's Liberation is...  

FREEDOM from our conditioned behaviours and limits we have unconsciously placed on ourselves. 

Once we are FREE, we self-actualize and return back to our Authenticity which unlocks all the joy, deep love, opportunities, vitality, radiance, pleasure, prosperity that is BEYOND what our mind could ever imagine!

But FIRST, you must choose your authenticity which is beyond your mind. Get out of your head! 😂 That's not your genius! lol. 



Maybe like my former self, you are tired of the same ole, same ole.


Living with more joy, freedom, adventure, health, radiance and deep love was simple?


Bringing your business, relationships, body & health to that next level... whatever that next level is for you... is not as HARD as 'they' make it out to be out there?


You aligning with your Core Stability and Authenticity is ALL you need to live your most magical life?




It's not about finding the right business strategy, the right health plan, nor having the right mindset, nor is it about meditations & manifestation, nor is it about the healing, the activations, nor is it about therapy & psychology and all of its many reductionistic diagnostics.


UGH! Are we exhausted yet!? 

What if it's so SIMPLE... and that's why we are MISSING IT!?

It is from my deep calling that I have created The Liberated Leader Free Course Portal to share a SIMPLER, PRACTICAL and EFFECTIVE PATH that unlocks all the prosperity, radiance, vitality, joy, fun, deep love, genius, pleasure... that the heart of you is dying to experience.

When you take this path... You Can't Fck It Up!


We would like to invite you to our space: The Liberated Leader Free Portal


It takes less than a minute to join and you'll...


👉  Enjoy Free Courses That Have Transformed The Lives Of Countless People.

👉  Enjoy Meditations & Activations that will have you rise and step more and more into your greatness. 

👉 Get invited to FREE LIVE EVENTS. 


To help you get re-aligned, grounded, and discover how to return home to your Self, which unlocks all the magic your heart desires to experience and much more. 

I desire for more people to be aware of this simple fact.


universe works 

on alignment.

Not time. Not sacrifice. Not hard work.

Join Our Liberated Leader Free Course Portal.

Ready to stop the chasing for love, money, things, vanity and instead, choose your authenticity & experience a life and work from your unique brilliance and magic?